5 Year Fixed Rate
- Monthly payments based on the 25 and 30 year amortization below are calculated on the 5 year fixed rate of 2.74%. The rate for the 35 year amortization is
2. Please note the Maximum amortization when the down payment is Less than 20% is 25 years.
Mortgage Amount $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 |
25 Years
Monthly Payment $460.01 $920.01 $1380.02 $1840.02 $2300.03 $2760.04 $3220.04 |
30 Years
Monthly Payment $406.89 $813.78 $1220.67 $1627.56 $2034.46 $2441.35 $2848.24 |
35 Years
Monthly Payment $372.34 $744.69 $1117.03 $1489.38 $1861.72 $2234.07 $2606.41 |
Variable Rate
- Monthly payments based on the amortizations below are calculated on the variable rate at prime less .70% which equals 2.15% based on the current prime rate of 2.85%.
1. Please note the payments do not including mortgage insurance premiums.
2. Please note the Maximum amortization when the down payment is Less than 20% is 25 years.